How does it work?

Friendly and reliable

Sales by Nan takes care of every step of the sales process with exceptional, trusted service. From de-cluttering and organizing to online posts and live sales, the team helps people downsize and disentangle while making them money in the process.

Best of all, a great deal

The team puts together sales, online offers, ads, and everything necessary to find new homes for the stuff and sundries. Collectors, art lovers, and designers know that one of Nan’s sales might have just what they’re looking for, and, over the years, she has built a trusted name.

The ideal client is getting ready to move and downsize

“We help clients organize all their treasures, making sure the family keeps all the items for their new home and all the goodies their family wants.

The items left make up the sale!

Afterwards, we clean out and clean up. We take care of everything the client might need to put their house on the market or ready it for a new owner.”

— Nancy “Nan” Hayer